
To participate in our classes, activities or ICanDance! Performance Project, you must agree to the terms below:
Waiver of Liability
I intend (or my child intends) to participate in an ICanDance!®️ activity and in some or all of the services provided by ICanDance!®️. I understand that physical and recreational activities, such as those offered by ICanDance!®️ can be strenuous and potentially hazardous. I understand that my child and/or I may experience bodily injury and potential health risks. By agreeing to this waiver and participating in the ICanDance!®️ activity, I assume full responsibility and assume all such risks to myself (and to my child) and hereby release and hold harmless ICanDance!®️ and its subcontractors, licensors, representatives and facilities, including North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission, The District of North Vancouver, The City of North Vancouver, North Vancouver School District No.44, The District of West Vancouver, West Vancouver Community Centre, Centennial Theatre, the City of Burnaby, Shadbolt Centre for the Arts and City of Burnaby Parks, Recreation & Culture Services, RNB Dance & Theatre Arts and the Lynn Valley Days Organizing Committee from all claims, losses, costs or material damages arising from or in any way related to my (or my child's) use of their services.
Image Release
I hereby grant ICanDance!®️, its agents, employees, licensors, licensees, and successors in interest, permission to use the image and likeness of myself and/or the child or children listed in this registration form in photographs, video recordings or electronic images in any reproduction of them in any form in any media whatsoever (including without limitation, print publications, public broadcast, websites or social media) , whether now known or hereafter created, throughout the world in perpetuity for any lawful purpose, including without limitation, trade, exhibition, illustration, promotion, publicity, advertising and electronic publication. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and/or approve the use of the images or any reproductions thereof by ICanDance!®️. I hereby release and hold harmless ICanDance!®️ from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality for myself and for the minor child and children listed in this registration associated with the images specified above. (Further, I attest that I am the parent or legal guardian of the child or children listed in this registration form and that I have full authority to consent and authorize ICanDance!®️ to use their likenesses and names.) I further acknowledge that participation is voluntary and that neither I, the minor child, nor minor children will receive financial compensation of any type associated with the taking or publication of these photographs, video recordings or electronic images. Further, I acknowledge and agree that publication of said photographs, video recordings or electronic images confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever. By agreeing to these terms, I hereby release ICanDance!®️ their contractors, employees and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of ICanDance!®️'s publications, including North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission, The District of North Vancouver, The City of North Vancouver, North Vancouver School District No.44, The District of West Vancouver, West Vancouver Community Centre, Centennial Theatre, the City of Burnaby, Shadbolt Centre for the Arts and City of Burnaby Parks, Recreation & Culture Services, RNB Dance & Theatre Arts and the Lynn Valley Days Organizing Committee from all claims arising out of the use of a photograph or video taken during the program, event or activity, including claims of invasion of privacy. I understand that ICanDance!®️ is not responsible for any expense or liability incurred as a result of our participation in this recording, including medical expenses due to any sickness or injury incurred as a result. I state further that I have read the above authorization, release, and agreement, prior to its execution, and that I am fully familiar with the contents of it. This release shall be binding upon the minor and me, and our respective heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.
Health & Safety
I acknowledge and agree that contracting an infection of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and variants are a risk at in-person gatherings of any size and, therefore, I hereby release ICanDance!®️, it's subcontractors, licensors, representatives and facilities, including North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission, The District of North Vancouver, The City of North Vancouver, North Vancouver School District No.44, The District of West Vancouver, West Vancouver Community Centre, Centennial Theatre, the City of Burnaby, Shadbolt Centre for the Arts and City of Burnaby Parks, Recreation & Culture Services, RNB Dance & Theatre Arts and the Lynn Valley Days Organizing Committee from all claims, losses, costs or material damages arising from or in any way related to my (or my child's) use of their services. For all activities, ICanDance!®️ reserves the right to ask any dancer showing flu/illness-like symptoms to leave the premises immediately. Any dancer (and/or their parent in Parent Participation classes) who has been exposed to a confirmed pandemic disease, including but not limited to COVID-19, travelled internationally, or has been in contact with someone who has travelled internationally, must self-isolate in compliance with the Province of BC Centre for Disease Control guidelines before entering the facility. NO REFUNDS will be provided for any activities missed.
ICanDance!, the North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission (NVRC), West Vancouver Community Services and the City of Burnaby Parks, Recreation & Culture Services complies with British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Information collected when registering is used in the normal course of communication in accordance with this legislation. If you have any questions about the collection or use of this information, contact the NVRC FOIPPA Coordinator at 604-983-6306 and ICanDance! at 604-984-2046.